
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015


The oil has a series of advantages. The principal advantages that the oil has are: very versatile: it is a question of a very versatile material from which infinity of elements are extracted as plastic, petrol, etc. Derivatives of the oil: almost all the derivatives of the oil are used to satisfy the needs of energy of the world. Synthetic fertilizers: a high percentage of the synthetic fertilizers come from the oil. Disadvantages of the oil Between the principal disadvantages that the oil has are: High price: his obtaining turns out to be very expensive with regard to another type of energies as the renewable energies. Ecological risk: the extraction of the oil carries a great ecological and environmental risk. Acid rain: there is generated acid associate rain


Agriculture as a system

Crop Farming

The Crop Farming  is a type of agriculture that you have the following caracterisiticas: With this technology it is possible to obtain many productivity of the land. The only type of seeds is cultivated. Located in plains with rich soils in nutrients. A lot of human workforce is in use. Against insects or harmful fungi pesticides are in use and phytosanitary though it is a practice that goes in decrease for the consolidation of the methods of biological Control of plagues.
It has a series of advantages that are: to intensive agriculture it has allowed to increase the agricultural productivity in the last century, assuring at the same time a stable source of food at the time that the world population increases and the necessary surface decreases and ncrementa the revenue of the farmers. In these moments the metropolitan area, he needs much from the intensive agriculture, due to the poor world population of this epoch. This one is very important since a more intensive production of the food allows in little space and with the same benefits nutricionarios of the traditional agriculture, on the contrary with major results in productivity and size, for which this is of benefit to the supply of the population.

Physical factors affecting farming

The farming System

Types of Farming

Mapa Politico de America

Mapa Fisicio America

Mapa Fisico de Asia

Mapa Politico de Asia